Welcome to the GameWatchGuys Forum.
Welcome! Introduce yourself or just blab about cool stuff.
What game watch are you wearing today? Tell us all about it.
Post info and links about something cool you found online for sale or auction, in a movie that is related, or elsewhere and just want to tell people about it.
Show us what you got. Or just tell us and make us jealous with envy. No holds barred throw it in our face. Show us your collection or a special watch. All BRAGGING and taunting is welcome here!
The 80's really were awesome. The best game watches came from the 80's! Talk about your experience in the 80's. Did you have a cool game watch? Tell us a cool 80's experience that will bring back a memory. Your post doesn't have to be specifically about a game watch. Have FUN!
The 90's were great too. Many cool games, watches, and more. Tell us an experience with a game watch, or just something we may have forgotten that made the 90's really great!
Want to sell, or trade, a game watch or related item. Post your notice here. Posting a link to an eBay auction is allowed.
Been looking for an item and you just can't seem to find it? A cool game watch you had as a kid perhaps? Your holy grail watch? Post your message for help here.
Have a problem with an eBay seller. Find someone on eBay that just seems totally NuTz! Find a ridiculously priced item? Do tell...
A broken game watch perhaps. No sound? Need a part? Do you need some info related to fixing and repairing your game watch? Post a question here and hopefully someone can help. Also if you have a Tip for watch care or repair that you think might help others please post it here.
Other cool or rare watches. Just because it doesn't have a game doesn't mean we don't want to hear about it! Post threads about neat melody watches or interesting calculator watches. Also post topics about watches that have a weird, different, or rare function.
Got an idea for gamewatchguys.com? A suggestion, or anything that doesn't fit into the categories above, post here.
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Welcome to our newest member, slotgitt