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Thread: My first Brag

  1. #1

    My first Brag

    Well since this is a bragging category I guess I'll be first to post a pic of some of my watches I like to brag about.



  2. #2
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Near Montreal, QC, Canada

    Even if i don't collect much these days, i envv you John (especially about the GCE Arcade Time & Game Time watches).

    --- Sly DC ---

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by slydc View Post

    Even if i don't collect much these days, i envv you John (especially about the GCE Arcade Time & Game Time watches).

    --- Sly DC ---

    Thanks Sly.
    Still love to see some pics of any collection you have or had. I actually sold a GCE Game Time a while back. I am kinda sad I sold it but sometimes you need money. My goal is to have 4 of each.

    Pretty sick huh... lol


  4. #4
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    For now, i have posted my database list and i think when you'll have some $$, you'll be on a hunting!

    I will post pictures of what's left of my collection which is listed on my web site (see "my collection" at the end) the ones
    with a green text (for the M.E.G.S. project...) will be for sell or trade in the future.

    I don't think it's sick to have multiple copies, some figurines or comics collectors have multiple copies (one or display or
    read and another one in mint condition). It's just when you show that you have 2 or more of the same watch, people
    will ask you if one is for sell or trade.

    --- Sly DC ---

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