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Thread: Some questions for the "masters" collectors of the site!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2013

    Some questions for the "masters" collectors of the site!

    hello guys,
    can you tell me exactly how many watches were produced by tiger electronics in the world?
    john: your collection is full of tiger?
    I also mean the games lcd wrist without time function (jurassick park, street fighter, sonic, etc..).
    how many in total?
    I would like to complete the collection in the future!
    I recently purchased a watch "tomy watchman" of fishing
    and do you know how many of these are there?
    Thanks to all for the info!

  2. #2
    Sorry so late but here goes for tiger electronics....

    Altered Beast-1990
    Batman Returns-1992
    Beauty and the Beast-1992
    Castlevania 2-1990
    Double Dragon-1990
    Hard Drivin'-1991
    Jurassic Park-1993
    The Little Mermaid-1991
    Mega Man 2-1991
    Mickey & Friends-1992
    Minnie Mouse-1992
    Ninja Gaiden-1991
    Sonic the Hedgehog-1992
    The Simpsons-1990
    Street Fighter 2-1993
    WWF Superstars-1990

    This is the tiger electronics/GIG watch list including the not so macho ones! lol. You can find most of the tiger electronic watches still sealed in their packages. Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Also try There's a lot of treasure on that site including your Tomy list you need : )

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2013
    thanks friend!!
    i can see some photo of your collection???!!

  5. #5
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    Hi paolouma!

    Here' my list of all Tiger WWG's released in North America:

    Tiger Altered Beast 199? #27-... - China
    Tiger Batman 1990 #27-103 - China
    Tiger Batman Returns 1992 #27-120 - China
    Tiger Castlevania 2 199? #27-... - China
    Tiger Dick Tracy 1990 #27-108 - China (Walt Disney Company)
    Tiger Disney's Aladdin 1993 #27-128 - China (Walt Disney Company)
    Tiger Disney's Beauty & The Beast 199? #27-... - China (Walt Disney Company)
    Tiger Disney's The Little Mermaid 1992 #27-117 - China (Walt Disney Company)
    Tiger Double Dragon 1990 #27-104 - China
    Tiger Jurassic Park 199. #27-... China
    Tiger Mickey & Friends 1992 #27-122 - China (Walt Disney Company)
    Tiger Minnie Mouse 1992 #27-123 - China (Walt Disney Company)
    Tiger Ninja Gaiden 199? #27-... - China
    Tiger Robocop 1990 #27-... - China
    Tiger The Simpsons 1990 #27-... - China (20th Century Fox F.C.)[SR54 battery]
    Tiger Sonic the Hedgehog 1992 #27-125 - China
    Tiger Street Fighter II 1993 #27-127 - China
    Tiger WWF Superstars (aka Wrestle Mania) 1990 #27-105 - China

    If you want to collect variations, Grandstand also release some (list still imcomplete):

    Grandstand Aladdin * 199. #?? ..... (Tiger)
    Grandstand Batman Returns 199. #?? ..... (Tiger)
    Grandstand Double Dragon 199? #?? ..... (Tiger)
    Grandstand Street Fighter II 1993 #27-127 ..... (Tiger)
    Grandstand The Simpsons 199. #27- ..... (Tiger)
    Grandstand WWF Superstars 1990 #27-105 ..... (Tiger)

    And i will have to add the Gig/Leonardo releases to my database:

    * Mega Man 2
    * Hard Drivin'

    And finally, here's the Tomy list:

    Tomy Watchman Bowling * 1981 #?? - Japan (Metal or Plastic casing)
    Tomy Watchman Cat & Catch * 19?? #?? - Japan
    Tomy Watchman Fishing * 19?? #?? - Japan
    Tomy Watchman Golf * 19?? #?? - Japan
    Tomy Watchman Kurohige (aka Black Beard) * 19?? #?? - Japan
    Tomy Watchman Martian Wars * 19?? #?? - Japan (Metal or Plastic casing)
    Tomy Watchman Monster Hero * 19?? #?? - Japan
    Tomy Watchman Pro Wrestling * 19?? #?? - Japan
    Tomy Watchman Suidoukan (aka Water Works) * 19?? #?? - Japan

    Hope this will help you out! =)
    --- Sly DC ---

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2013
    great man!!!
    this is a very complete list!!
    thank you so much
    now i have 10 tiger watches and 1 tomy...
    i want to complete the tiger and tomy collection!!!
    i prefer to find a new sealed wristwatch,but this is a never ending story...
    and in the future i want to find all nintendo and nelsonic games!


  7. #7
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    No problem, glad i can be of any help.

    You have a good starting collection there, and i wish you to find all the ones you're looking for.
    BTW, there is one watch i don't know which one it is actually, it is the one on the left of your
    Tetris watch (brandless name). Could you take pictures of this one ?
    --- Sly DC ---

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2013
    immediately attach photos of this watch
    it is a soccer game produced by AUDEL
    I've never seen them around, unfortunately this does not work ...
    The watch is new but the internal battery has burnt contactsDSC07915.jpgDSC07913.jpgDSC07914.jpg

  9. #9
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    Thanks very much for the name and the pictures paolouma!

    But sorry to hear that the watch is dead. Have you tried to scrape off/clean the burnt contacts ?
    Maybe if you take a picture of the contacts i could help you out to try to revive it.
    --- Sly DC ---

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2013
    hello friend, I send some photos but unfortunately the clock has been modified and will not work ever ...
    new contacts were welded but I doubt that we can runDSC09374.jpg

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