Hi there!

I have just joined this list, and I was very happy to find it on the Internet. I have only ever owned one game watch. I have a vague memory of it (it broke many years ago, back in 1982 in the UK), it was “Plane and Tank Battle”. I sent off for it probably from an advert in a comic. I seem to remember it had two buttons on each side, which suggests it was the Gamma 2 version (not the Nelsonic version). But I cannot find any info about Gamma 2. Is it Gamma Two Games that became Columbia Games in 1982?
I have searched on eBay but cannot find any Gamma 2 items at all.
If anyone here has a Gamma 2 “Plane and Tank Battle” watch they would be interested in selling, or knows where I can get one, please let me know!
