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  1. #1
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Near Montreal, QC, Canada

    Vega Hello Kitty

    Hi folks,

    I'm looking for some information regarding this WWG: Vega Hello Kitty


    I have brought this WWG 2 years ago on Ebay (still have the full page archived) and all i know so far is that the brand name "Vega" is from the company "Citizen" and was only sold in Japan. Here's all the infos written on the watch:

    Frontplate (or bezel):

    (C) 1976 Sanrio, Co LTD.

    On the back of the watch:

    Basemetal Water Resist

    And if you press on the upper-left button, you can change to game mode. The problem is i don't know
    how the heck the game works! (OK, only tried one time... )

    The bottom-left button if for the light and the bottom-right is for displaying time/date/seconds.
    Still haven't figured what the upper-right button does ?!

    If anyone has any information regarding this watch, it would be so much appreciated!

    OH! Almost forgot, the date on the frontplate doesn't mean that it came out in 1976, that is the
    copyright that Sanrio accorded to Citizen to use their character. But if indeed it came out in
    1976, then i would be in heaven since it would be the very first WWG ever.
    Last edited by slydc; 08-09-2012 at 04:43 AM.
    --- Sly DC ---

  2. #2
    Never seen it.
    Do you have a large clear picture?

    Kinda resembles those Casio's like the McGraw from pre-85.


  3. #3
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Here's a scan of the watch i've made:


    Hopefully, it won't be resized as a thumbnail.

    Indeed, it does look like those pre-Casio WWG's. Think i'll have to open-up the watch to see
    if there's any other information i could gather.
    --- Sly DC ---

  4. #4
    Here's the one I was thinking that might be similar but it's obvious they actually are really a different watch altogether.



  5. #5
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    They are indeed different, especially different companies! (Vega & Adec =Citizen)

    Seems that in the beginning of WWG's, they all took the same design...weird!
    --- Sly DC ---

  6. #6
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    After i tried (again) to find any information regarding the Vega (Citizen) Hello Kitty watch, i still didn't find anything...BUT,
    i did find some scan ads from a Japanese blog:

    Alba 1981 ad (first watch of the left is the Gunman/Slot machine WWG):
    1981 Alba-2.jpg

    And here's another Alba 1981 ad for Gunman/Slot machine but different:
    1981 Alba-3.jpg

    And another Alba ad but from 1982 (behind the girl is the "Space Battle" WWG):
    1982 Alba.jpg

    Oh and see in the section "Sell/trade....Sexum watch" for two other scan ads i added, seems those two
    fits with the subject.
    --- Sly DC ---

  7. #7
    I believe I have a those Alba's.
    Check out this:



  8. #8
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    Now this ad kicks ass!

    It describe the gameplay faithfully and even translate the Kanji characters properly. Did you made this ?

    The gameplay is kinda cheesy if you ask me (don't be caught sneaking out or you have to study), lol!

    Ever was this web page ? :

    Translated in English:

    This guy has a heck of a handheld collection! (
    --- Sly DC ---

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