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Thread: Pacman? I don't have it but wish I did! Cool Variation by Tomy

  1. #1

    Cool Pacman? I don't have it but wish I did! Cool Variation by Tomy

    HI Everyone!

    Just a little something to keep you interested! No I don't have it but sure wish I did!

    Feedback, comments, and knowledge about this Mega RARE Pacman Game Watch variation welcome!

    The Tomy Monster Hero Game Watch!



  2. #2
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    OK .. (cracking my knuckles... )

    This one is indeed a rare one, even to say a very, very rare one. This WWG is really called: Tomy Watchman Monster Hero and was released in 1982 only in Japan. There is also a handheld edition of this WWG (even has the same name!). The gameplay is exactly like the Nelsonic Pac-Man Joystick edition but with a slight difference: the sprites. Other than that, it's a almost perfect clone of the Nelsonic Pac-Man joystick version.

    Check here:


    And the joystick has made by Nunzio A. Luce from Trenton, NJ. The joystick is patented under #4,395,134.

    Enough ? (because my knuckles hurts)
    Last edited by slydc; 08-10-2012 at 02:54 AM.
    --- Sly DC ---

  3. #3
    ...And your bottom left Pac Man watch shows a PacMan character I've never seen before also!

    Ah. The actual patent number. You really are


  4. #4
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    DOH! Forgot to mention that the joystick version has two different frontplate (the Pac-Man character in fact).
    Nice to you to notice that small variation, if not i wouldn't even have mention it.

    At least i'm hardcore to something (but not sex...darn! LOL!!!! )
    Last edited by slydc; 08-10-2012 at 11:43 PM.
    --- Sly DC ---

  5. #5
    Yea. I knew it had the 2 variations. I like the other one better, I think. It's just a little easier to see.


    I made a mistake. I was looking at the ghost on the one in the bottom right and thought it was a different (3rd) pacman style.


  6. #6
    Yep! thats the one I said about john!
    The mk1 knob type

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by urbanflyman View Post
    Yep! thats the one I said about john!
    The mk1 knob type
    Hi UFM!
    Did you see my latest addition!

    Pacman Joystick Boxed!


  8. #8
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    $39.99 at Target ?? DAMN!! Wished i had a time machine...sigh!

    I was going to ask you how much you paid for it but i think i don't really wanna know the price (my wallet is to thin at the

    BTW, nice one John!
    --- Sly DC ---

  9. #9
    Very nice john!
    The mk2 boxed with coloured shifters!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by slydc View Post
    $39.99 at Target ?? DAMN!! Wished i had a time machine...sigh!

    I was going to ask you how much you paid for it but i think i don't really wanna know the price (my wallet is to thin at the

    BTW, nice one John!
    Yea. I wish. Go back and scoop up all kinds of goodies!

    Well the last PacMan like that when for $600 in auction format. It was from a friend of mine in NC. He was surprised it went to $600 and was worried if they would pay. They did pay and the sale went through fine.

    I can't say what mine cost but I will say it was less than the $600 and the condition is much better!.


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