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Thread: Brag of the year (surely!)

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Z3ldanator View Post
    Wow! Nice score Sly. You keep making me add stuff to my wish list. I like!
    Yea. This one takes the cake. I don't think we will be seeing one for sale anytime soon though.

  2. #12
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    Thanks Z3ldanator

    I don't want to discourage anyone but in 15 years of collecting, it's the first one i ever saw.
    This one is even better than all the prototypes combined i had previously.

    If anyone wants to know how i fell of having this watch: i've been farting rainbows since i got it! LOL!!

    But seems i have a little small problem: I tried to open up the watch and take out the circuitry so that i
    could clean it where is the window but the circuitry doesn't want to come out like if it was glued ?!?
    Think there is 1 or 2 screws holding the circuitry under the label "Diamant" but i don't want to scrap the
    label by taking it off.

    I notice also that when a game is over, it keeps the high score and to view it (under normal mode), just
    have to push on the mode/advance button to see it. So this watch plays Burger Time, keeps the high score,
    can set the time but no indication for AM or PM and there is no alarm whatsoever.
    --- Sly DC ---

  3. #13
    The only screw holding the module is the one right next to the battery in the center of the watch.
    It looks exactly the same as the pm/frogger.


  4. #14
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    Hi John,

    Thanks very much for the tip! The watch is now clean as a whistle and now that i was able to pull-out the circuity assembly, i can make a better scan since the buttons are not in the way.

    P.S.: I took the picture before cleaning it.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    --- Sly DC ---

  5. #15
    Wow. It's amazing that it even works! I've never seen one so dirty.

    Be careful. My friend Robbie said you probably have the last one on the planet!

    Just some more tips from things I've learned repairing pacmans and froggers.
    The green casing cracks very easy. Don't over tighten screws 1-6. Don't remove lcd in case you absolutely have to.

    Good luck.

  6. #16
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    ?? Last one on the planet ??

    I know that this one is pretty rare but THAT rare ? If so then i'm a lucky S.O.B.!

    And tips duly noted! But i will have to open up the green casing (circuit assembly) since the RIGHT button doesn't respond well (must be dirty as hell inside the green casing). As for LCD screen, i know these can be a real "pain in the butt" since i had experience with small electronic handhelds so be sure i won't touch out no matter what.
    --- Sly DC ---

  7. #17
    Good luck!
    The contacts come of of the board pretty easy but if you run into problem areas you might be able to fix with your silver glue.

  8. #18
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    Hi John,

    Thanks for the good luck, can't have too much of that with a rare watch.
    I'll order a tube of silver glue ASAP just to be sure!
    --- Sly DC ---

  9. #19
    Junior Member robg's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Woah! I never seen that one before! You must make a video because you're the only one on earth that can.
    Rob Gentile

  10. #20
    Nelsonic made watches for other companies like Waltham,Nintendo etc
    This must be another example I'm guessing!

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