Senior Member
Nightmares can be real!
Hi folks,
This one is not really a tip or fix but wanted to show you that just leaving a battery inside a watch for a very long time can end up like this:
So battery corrosion can be a real nightmare, you've just seen the proof!
A rare one though! I've never seen it.
I like the dragon on the front. I wonder what the watch does.
Sounds crazy but it might work. If the corrosion on the negative line only went so far you might be able to fix. Would be the fix of the year...lol
Yea. I open all sealed watches. No point in having a watch that I know is a dead stick, sitting in a package. (Maybe if I didn't know better it would be ok...lol)
Senior Member
Hi John,
It's been on my sell/trade list for quite a time but how can i sell or trade t in this condition ? As it is, it's only good for parts
or as a display. Maybe i'll be able to fix it but i don't promise anything. If it ever does work, then call me Dr. Watchenstein...LOL!!!
I can understand that some people keeps their collecting stuff in sealed/mint condition but they miss something: Like a comic book, it's meant for reading it. A figurine is a toy so it's meant to play with it, so a watch is meant to wear it (or play with it since we collect wrist watch game) so why buy a thing to just leave it accumulate dust ? I know, for collecting value but anything sealed/mint is like having a treasure and can't even touch it.
But like you John, you open them because you don't want having a watch that a battery will corrode by leaving it there. And secondly, you want to wear/play with it and this is only natural since it is meant to be this way and not as a museum piece.
As for the "Dragon", i'll try to fix it and see if it will revive or not but not until next week since i'm going away for a couple of days.
So stay tuned!

Originally Posted by
So stay tuned!

Oh we will! Have a good trip!
Just scrape the line where the negative enters and it looks like the corrosion didn't go that far. Put a tiny dab of silver glue and a single line strand from a small wire (pull out the single strand) Run the strand to the negative battery. Put a small (tiny) piece of tape so positive don't tough wire any where. It usually cut small small circular stickers for this. Hell, it's worth a try at least. Imagine if it did fire!
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