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Thread: Trivia: The GCE Sports Time watch is seen several times in what 1982 futuristic move?

  1. #1

    Trivia: The GCE Sports Time watch is seen several times in what 1982 futuristic move?

    HI All.

    Trivia: The GCE Sports Time watch is seen several times in what 1982 futuristic move?

    (I also think I spot the GCE Game Time watch in this movie too)


  2. #2
    Guesses? Anyone?
    Ok here's some clues:



  3. #3
    It was the movie Android from 1982. Vectrex sponsored the movie so everyone was supplied wit GCE watches! Cool!
    I think I might possibly have a GCE Arcade Time boxed new that belonged to one of the actors.


  4. #4
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    Hi John!

    Well if one of the actors still has it, then go for it! But would be easier to find a left-over sandwich that Britney Spears
    has thrown away...LOL!!!
    --- Sly DC ---

  5. #5
    Well I mean the one boxed GCE Arcade Time that I did buy on eBay I remember the description saying it was from the home of an actor. I can't remember the details and wish I had saved the eBay description. In the movie I see the Sports time and Game Time but not the Arcade Time. The Arcade Time I got from that auction was new in the box never used. Possible...


  6. #6
    Senior Member slydc's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Near Montreal, QC, Canada
    Humm...well at least you got a brand new Arcade Time, some would almost kill for getting one brand new like yours!

    But the fact remains that it will be a "IF" since you didn't saved the description. When i find a rare item on Ebay, i save the whole page.
    I even have some saved pages that goes back to 1999. Darn...i even collect save pages...LOL!!!! But any good reporter/journalist always
    keep a back-up of his/her infos.
    --- Sly DC ---

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